KMR Foundation
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Future - Focus

Ø      Ensuring quality education to all.

Ø  Involving village school children in games, art & music in Sreenidhi campus.

Ø  Help build up basic school infra structure –class room furniture, black boards, teaching and learning aids and access to computers

Ø  Creating opportunity to display their talents and improve in English skills, art & music.

Ø  Training session for the village school teachers establishing teacher training centre at KMRF

Ø  Engaging village school children in sports & games and training them.

Ø  Giving them the opportunity to enhance their skills and excel.

Ø  Implementing new programs in the area of healthcare in villages focusing in important health issues

Ø  Encouraging youth –male and female for skill development programs

Ø  Training them for computer skills at the Computer Learning Centre, Aziznagar
Our Vision